Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bench 3/28/11

95 x 15, 135 x 10, 175 x 8, 215 x 6, 245 x 8, 295 x 7, 265 x 10

Cybex Chest press (wide grip):
3 sets

Incline flies:
30 x 15 x 3

Seated DB military press:
65 x 15 x 3

Decline DB press w/ situp:
55 x 12 x 3

KB complexes, Medicine ball complexes, Burpees

I decided to keep this a relatively light day being that it was 2 days after a contest. I had taught a 45 minute bootcamp class at work a few hours earlier with lots of DB work, core, and bodyweight exercises. I feel like I got in some good rep recovery work and decent conditioning at the end of the workout. Sore, but making strides! (BW sitting at 261)

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