Wednesday, July 25, 2007

DE Squat

45 x 10, 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 3, 315 x 3, 365 x 2 (stopped due to bulging disk)

Snatch Squat:
135 x 3

Hammer Curl:
25 x 20, 2 sets 30 x 15, 35 x 12, 40 x 10, 45 x 8, 55 x 6, 60 x 5

Pull down abs:
80 x 10, 3 sets 110 x 10

Hanging Knee Raises:
3 sets 8 x bw

Hamstring Curls:
2 sets 10 x Ave BAnd

So I fucked up my back again. I am pretty sure I will go under the knife. I can not live like this any more. I was so loose in my hips and hamstrings before I squatted. I had my belt on, pushed my abs out, arched my back, and sat back in the squat. I still managed to get hurt. I have absolutely no confidence in squat or deadlift anymore. I am very scared to even work legs at this point. Without consistent access to heavy spinal traction and a reverse hyper, I see no solution except having the disk surgically removed along with the bone fragments and having the vertabrae fused.

Mobility and Core

Went in and did stationary bike for 20 minutes. I did a full range of hip and hamstring mobility work as well as some shoulder prehab. I felt really good and loose. I did some standing pulldown abs, and some 45 degree oblique work.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Lats, Traps, and Biceps

135 x 3, 225 x 3, 275 x 2, 290 x 0

One Arm Dumbbell Rows:
80 x 10, 85 x 10, 95 x 10

Lat Pulldowns:
200 x 8, 210 x 8, 220 x 8, 230 x 8

Standing Neutral Cable Rows:
210 x 10, 3 sets 250 x 10

Reverse Flies:
25 x 10, 2 sets 30 x 10

Hammer Curls:
30 x 10, 35 x 10, 40 x 10

EZ Curls:
2 sets 110 x 10

Tate Curls:
2 sets 90 x 10

Jump Shrugs:
225 x 10, 315 x 10, 405 x 10

I know I did some kind of core as well, but I can't remember what. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I took my normal pre-workout drink, but I also took 200 mg Caffeine, 100 mg Ginseng, and 25 mg Ephedra. Worst idea ever. I was tweaking something terrible. I lost my balance bad on 290 OHP I got my arms straightened but couldn't lock my legs back out. It all hit at once so I felt like shit for 30 minutes and then I felt better. I thought the workout was pretty easy, but I'm still feeling sore two days later.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

DE Press

Strict OHP:
135 x 3, 185 x 2, 185 x 3, 3 sets 155 x 5

Explosive OHP w/ Mini Bands:
135 x 5, 185 x 3, 225 x 3, 245 x 2, 225 x 3, 205 x 5

Neutral Grip Dumbell OHP:
55 x 10, 2 sets 60 x 8

Bent Press:
55 x 6, 70 x 5, 75 x 5

Overhead dumbbell Tricep Extension:
3 sets 10 x 35

Shoulder Raises:
10 x 25, 10 x 30

Rotator Cuff Press:
3 sets 5 x 10

Continental Clean & Pushpress:
3 sets 5 x 135, 3 x 185

Kneeling Pulldown Abs:
3 sets 10 x 230

Torso Rotation:
2 sets 10 x 90

This is all I can remember. I thought it was a pretty good workout.

ME Squat

Dynamic Warmup

135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 365 x 2, 405 x 1, 455 x 1, 425 x 2, 405 x 2

Hamstring Curls:
3 sets 10 x Average Band

Hip Extensions:

2 sets 10 x Average Band

2 sets 10 x Average Band

Hatfield Raises:
3 sets 10 x 25

Side Bend Abs:
2 sets 15 x 210

Standing Pulldown Abs:
3 sets 10 x 120

45 degree Back Raise:
3 sets 10 x BW + 25

There may have been more, its been 5 days since this workout. I've been too lazy to post all week because I've been kiling myself in the weightroom. This is all I remember doing. I found my low back to be too weak in my squats so I'm working hard on it right now. I probably need to start deadlifting again.

Hip/Hamstring mobility

I only had about 20 minutes in the gym due to my friend Garrett's car troubles putting me in a pinch for time. I went in and did a bunch of dynamic leg stretching to get ready for squat the next day. It felt good and I felt really loose. I think these short prehab workouts are the way to go on my 'off' days.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Lats, Traps, and Biceps

Hang Clean:
5 x 45, 8 x 135, 3 x 185, 2 x 225, 1 x 245, 3 x 265, 3 x 265

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows:
10 x 80, 10 x 85, 10 x 90

Dumbbell Cleans:
3 x 70, 1 x 90, 3 x 80, 3 x 90

Neutral Dumbbell Holds:
65 x 30 seconds, 70 x 30 seconds

Dumbbell Shrugs:
10 x 95, 10 x 100, 10 x 105, 10 x 110

Overhead Shrugs:
3 sets 10 x 135

Lat Pulldowns:
5 x 120, 5 x 160, 5 x 170, 5 x 180, 5 x 190, 5 x 200

Forearm pulldowns:
10 x 80, 2 sets 10 x 110

Reverse Flys:
3 sets 10 x 25

Band-Assisted Chins:
2 sets 5 x BW - Ave Band

Hammer Curls:
10 x 30, 10 x 35, 10 x 40, 8 x 45

Spider Curls:
10 x 25, 10 x 30, 10 x 35

Over/Under Curls:
3 sets 12 x 80

Forearm Circuit:
3 times: 10 x 10 (flexion), 10 x 10 (extension), 10 x 20 (seated hammer curl)

Static band crunches:
3 sets 5 x average band (held for 5 sec each)

Wood Choppers:
2 sets 15 x 120

So I pretty much went in and tried to kill my upper back, arms, and core for about 2 1/2 hours. Watching NSM this weekend got me really motivated. I felt really good about the hang clean and dumbbell clean. I am very sore today after that workout. I felt sort of puss doing band-assisted chins. but I have to build myself up to real pullups to get the Lats I want. My Lats hurt a lot today so I know I hit them hard. I have learned to activate them more in the press and work them harder when pulling. I am so psyched to train hard until school starts and train even harder when my workout partners get back. I can't wait for the day when all 3 of us can enter a contest and make podium finishes in our weight classes. Also I am pumped about the bad-ass professor that might start training with us.

A Trip to Nebraska's Strongest Man

So I was unable to compete in this years Nebraska's Strongest Man due to recovery from a bicep injury, but I went up with some friends to watch my training partner and be a handler for him and cheer him on. This was one of the happiest days of my life. I never felt more at home than I did around the athletes and some of the spectators there. Chuck put on an amazing performance and won his division. he beat out some very stiff competition and performed pretty much flawlessly. I was so happy for him. He is a great friend and a wonderful training partner and I can't think of anyone who works harder or who deserves it more. Chuck has worked through and overcome a lot of injuries to make it this far and I am really motivated and inspired to get past my injuries so I can compete at that level in the near future. Being around that kind of hard-core bad assery all day and seeing huge guys man handle heavy things has me in the right frame of mind for some awesome workouts the rest of the summer. I was so happy for Chuck. I was also very glad my other friends came out and saw what Troy, Chuck, and I train for. I think awareness of the sport is the best way for it to grow and get closer to mainstreamness. It is truly exciting and always interesting. There is so much possibilty for variance in competitions so it would be great to see more public recognition. I feel great about training and I know I have to push myself harder since my workout partner is the reigning Nebraska's Strongest Man.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

ME Press

45 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 225 x 2, 245 x 2, 265 x 1, 280 x 3, 300 x 2 (failed), 270 x 4, 250 x 3

Hammer Curl and Press:
3 sets 55 x 6

Close Grip Bench w/ mini bands:
135 x 10, 175 x 10, 155 x 10, 135 x 10

Explosive One Arm OHP:
80 x 5 (each arm), 85 x 3 (right arm), 85 x 1 (left arm)

Bent Press:
60 x 8, 60 x 5, 70 x 5

EZ Curl Tricep Extensions:
3 sets 90 x 10

Overhead Cable Extensions:
140 x 5, 120 x 10, 120 x 8

Kneeling Pulldown Abs:
170 x 10, 190 x 10, 210 x 10, 230 x 10

Shoulder Raises:
2 sets 20 x 10 (front and side)

Rotator Cuff Rotation and Press:
2 sets 10 x 3

45 x 40, 2 sets 135 x 20

Plate Pinched Wrist Curls:
3 sets 10 x 10 (flexsion and extension)

Push up and Row:
3 sets 30 x 6

Dumbbell Wrist Curls:
2 sets 25 x 10

This was an excellent workout. I set two PRs for reps (280 x 3, 270 x 4) on OHP and nearly had 300 for 2. I felt very explosive and things felt easy. I tried explosive one-arm OHP but I quickly lost steam and moved to bent press instead. I felt a lot of Lat activation on the bent press. I need to remember to do these more. My chest kind of hurt on band bench, but I did 4 sets anyway. Everything else was pretty standard, but I was elated to hit reps solidly on OHP.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

ME Squat

Back Squat:
45 x 10, 135 x 5, 225 x 3, 315 x 2, 405 x 1, 440 x 1, 465 x 1

Power Squat Cleans:
3 sets 135 x 6

This was all I did today. I only had 45 minutes in the gym, but after getting stretched out and ready to go I really got about 35 minutes. I wanted to see where my squat was so I decide to max out once I felt good and loose. I was very happy with what I did and I am glad to see that I have not lost anything. the last time I went over 425 was back in late March so I am thrilled to be doing over 455 still. I did power squat cleans going ass to the grass. these are very difficult from a conditioning standpoint. The first set I did a ful c&j on every rep, but the last two sets I only pressed it on the very last rep of the set. I had very little time in gym before they closed, but I'm glad I went in and did something, and I think the lifts I did give you the most bang for your buck.

DE Upper Body

45 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 5, 195 x 5, 205 x 5, 215 x 5, 225 x 5

Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench:
90 x 10, 2 sets 80 x 10

Shoulder Raises:
3 sets 20 x 10

Lat Pulldowns:
7 x 190, 6 x 200, 6 x 210, 6 x 220

Standing Neutral Cable Rows:
3 sets 10 x 220

Reverse Flies:
3 sets 20 x 10

Hammer Curls:
3 sets 35 x 10

Tricep Pressdowns:
170 x 10, 190 x 10, 210 x 9

Training Strongman with Chuck in the afternoon showed me I have a long way to go before I am ready to compete. I decided to peel my sore ass off the couch and go into the gym later that night and do a DE upper body day. I chose two primary and one supplemental movement and one isolation movement and worked the exact opposition grooves for the same amount of reps as well. the workout was short, intense, and very productive. I think the combination of both workouts was incredibly effective because even two days later my entire body is incredibly sore.

Strongman Events

Log Press:
150 x 5, 150 x 4, 200 x 4, 200 x 2, 230 x 1, 230 x 1

Farmers Walk:
420 pounds total x 60'

Tire Flip:
550-600 pound tire 60' in 50 seconds

Picked up kegs loaded to various weights, Picked up Concrete slab in the likeness of the husafell stone

The events absolutely kicked my ass. I was in no kind of shape for the intensity of the events and the heat we trained them in. My cardio sucked sweaty donkey balls, and my low back felt extremely puss. I had a hard time just breathing doing the tire flip. I damn near was unable to make the last flip because I was so winded. The log press was a huge learning experience. Chuck had told me the clean was very difficult and it proved to be just that. I worked so hard to get 230 to my chest that by the time I went to press it I just missed locking it out both times. I sucked in the farmers walk because my hands have lost all their calluses since I have not been deadlifitng. I also really struggled just to stand up with the weights. But this was a tremendous learning experience. I had so much fun even though I did not do very well. I am more motivated to train and compete than ever before. Also I was so happy to see Chuck hit 2 PRs that day with a 270 log press and 210' in the farmers walk. He was also only 2/10s of a second off his best tire flip time even though he stumbled badly on one flip. I really think he has a great shot at the NSM and he's been training really hard and deserves it. I learned that I need to get my low back stronger, get stronger lats and abs, and practice the events more so my conditioning improves. After training we laid into the USA Steak Buffett pretty well and I felt like we both got our moneys worth. The thing about that hardcore training is you just want to eat everything in sight afterward. I am very excited about helping Chuck at the contest this weekend and seeing the guys I'll be competing against next year.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Maximum Dynamics Upper Body

10 x 45, 5 x 135, 2 x 225, 1 x 245, 1 x 275, 2 x 290 (failed)

OHP w/ mini bands:
135 x 5, 155x 5, 175 x 5

Reverse Band Bench:
225 x 5, 315 x 5, 365 x 3, 405 x 2, 455 x 1

Hammer Curl and Press:
3 sets 5 x 60

Overhead Triceps Extension:
3 sets 10 x 70, 15 x 70

EZ Curl:
3 sets 5 x 70

Hammer Curl:
10 x 20, 10 x 25, 10 x 30, 10 x 35, 10 x 40, 6 x 45

Shoulder Raise:
2 sets 10 x 20 (front and side)

So yes I went in and flexed some patriotic muscle on the fourth. I was feeling jacked for OHP and I felt good. I got 290 to arms length, but did not re-lock my knees so I can't count it. I know its there. Now I just have to hit it with confidence. I did reverse band bench for the first time with Average bands. This felt good, very similar to benching in a shirt. I may have to use the safety catches to lower the band and take some tension out next time though. I did not have a long time to work out so I did what I could. I went on the 80/20 principle and kept it as compound as possible. I felt good throughout. Today I feel extremely sore in my Lats and Abs, so some lift must have hit them hard in there yesterday.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Traps and Biceps

Barbell Shrugs:
10 x 135, 10 x 225, 3 sets 10 x 315

Overhead Barbell Shrugs:
3 sets 10 x 135

Dumbbell Hack Shrugs Seated:
4 sets 10 x 70

Standing Dumbbell Shrugs:
2 sets 10 x 90

Hammer Curls:
2 sets 10 x 30, 8 x 35, 8 x 40, 6 x 45, 6 x 55

Seated Spider Curls:
3 sets 10 x 25

Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curls:
2 sets 10 x 70

Tate Curls:
3 sets 10 x 70 (each arm)

Cable Curls:
2 sets 10 x 110, 3 sets 10 x 80

Got a little pissed today. Found myself in a ridiculous argument and saw that all my plans for the night were not going to materialize (seperate incidents). So I went in and decided to move some weights. Usually I would have worked Lats and Forearms too, but I'll save that for press. Hack Shrugs felt good. You just sit really far forward and let the dumbbells get behind you and then shrug away. They really get your traps to flare out to the back.

Chest/Shoulder Prehab

10 x 45, 5 x 135, 3 x 225, 2 x 275, 1 x 315, 1 x 350(failed)

Incline Bench:
5 sets 10 x 45

Dumbbell OHP (strict):
10 x 50, 10 x 45, 10 x 40, 10 x 35, 10 x 30

Shoulder Raise:
10 x 15

Plate Swims:
Some weight x some reps

Hammer Curls:
2 sets 10 x 25

Overhead Tricep Extensions:
2 sets 10 x 25

I was feeling sluggish when I went in to this one so I decided to take it as a prehab workout. I don't feel sore today so I will try again Monday or Tuesday.