Wednesday, June 13, 2007

DE Squat

Hip and Hamstring stretching, lunges, good mornings, zercher leans, squat cleans

Box Squat:
10 x 45, 5 x 135, 3 x 185, 3 x 225, 3 x 275, 3 x 315, 3 x 365, 1 x 405

Squat Cleans:
3 sets 6 x 135

Box Jumps:
4 x 30, 3 x 50, 3 x 50, 3 x 55, 3 x 60

45 degree calf raise:
3 sets 10 x 270

45 degree back raise:
3 sets 10 x bodyweight

Kneeling Pulldown Abs:
20 x 150, 20 x 170, 20 x 190

Farmer's Walk:
120 x 240', 125 x 240'

This was a different workout than what I'm used to. I had thought about doing box squats with bands, but due to the tools in the power rack curling this was not possible. I decided to just work regular box squats and just did triples going up. I felt very good on these and they were feeling really strong. I think my form is getting better and I'm really learning how to breath into my stomach and push out against my belt to stay tight. I felt especially strong on 365 so I decided to try a set at 405. I got the first one up easily but I was seeing stars so I decided to rack it on account of not having a spotter. I did 3 sets of squat cleans after the box squat. I was going ass to the grass and taking a fairly narrow stance. I tried to pull myself under the bar and bounce out of the hole. These were challenging from a conditioning standpoint because I took little rest between sets, but this is how I need to prepare for the rigors of strongman. I felt these working my quads which I need to get some work on since wider stance box squatting places more stress on the hamstrings. I did box jumps after the cleans using the 12" box. These felt very explosive and I was easily 3-4" inches over the box with all the weights. I decided not to do any pullthrough or goodmornings today to give my low back and hamstrings a break. I did my 45 degree back raise and its getting to be too easy with just bodyweight so I'm going to have to start adding bands or weight. I only did one ab exercise again today because I was feeling so drained, but tomorrow I will do a lot more since its only lats and biceps day.

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