Friday, June 1, 2007

Mobility and Core

Incline Bench:
3 sets 10 x 45 (Narrow to Wide grip)

Overhead Press:
Basic warmup movements, 3 sets 5 x 45

Dumbbell Bench:
2 sets 10 x 35

Dumbbell Seated Shoulders:
2 sets 10 x 15

Shoulder Work:
Raises and plate swims with 5's

Hip and Leg mobility work:
Squat Cleans, Zercher Squat leans, Step ups, Lunges (all with bar only)

Standing Pulldown abs (on Lat Pulldown):
10 x 70, 10 x 90, 10 x 110

Obliques (on 45 degree raise):
3 sets 10 x bodyweight (each side)

Hanging Knee Raises:
3 sets 10 x body weight

Torso Rotation (on cable pulley):
2 sets 10 x 80 (each side)

5 minutes on concept II rower (1100 meters)

This workout was fast and not heavy at all. I wanted to get in and get some blood flowing for my ME squat on Saturday and DE Press on Sunday. This way I can eliminate lactic acid and feel looser the next 2 days. I decided to do some varying grip incline with the bar, some shoulder raise and press with the bar, some light dumbell bench and military press both done in the neutral grip. I did a good bit of hamstring and hip mobility so I will be looser for squat tommorow, plus I want to be more mobile when I get back from this bicep injury. I think working more mobility and core can only keep me healthier and make me better at strongman. I decided to do 4 abdominal exercises because I really want to work my core so it gets larger and stronger. I did two oblique exercises that I had not done in a while. I think the rotation and the work on the 45 degree will be nice additions to press downs and suitcase deadlifts. I want my core to be extremely stable for yoke carry and farmers walk, and the only way to do it is to work it heavy and often. I tried the concept II rower at the end of the workout and at first I thought it was easy, but after 5 minutes my whole body was burning. I got the idea from reading through Svend Karlsen's training log and I think I will keep up with it. It works the whole body and is fairly low impact. I want to bring up my conditioning so I think I will add rowing every other day adding one minute to the time until I am doing 15 minutes. I will add this to 3 sessions of 20 minutes on the elliptical each week to give me the GPP I need for lifting and strongman. No more excuses. I will come back from my injuries and I will be healthier and stronger than ever.

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