Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Incline Volume

Incline Bench:
10 x 45, 5 x 135, 3 x 185, 5 x 245, 5 x 235, 5 x 225, 8 x 215, 8 x 205, 8 x 195

Neutral Grip Explosive OHP:
5 x 60, 5 x 65, 5 x 70, 5 x 75, 5 x 80

Partial Static OHP W/ Mini Bands:
10 x 95, 3 sets 5 x 115

Hammer Curl and Press:
3 sets 6 x 55

Shoulder Raises (front and side):
2 sets 10 x 25

Incline Flies:
10 x 25, 10 x 30, 10 x 35

Overhead Tricep extension (w/ dumbbells):
2 sets 10 x 35

OH Tricep Cable Extension:
3 sets 10 x 150

Static Stretch Band Crunch Holds:
5 sets of 5, each held for a 5 count

Wrist Curls:
2 sets of 10 extension and flexion with 10# plate

COC holds:
3 holds of 30 seconds with Trainer

This was a nice workout. I felt completely jacked throughout. Everything in my life is going smoothly now and I feel extra motivated and encouraged to lift. I took my thyroid medicine for the first time in 2 1/2 years today and my energy felt much better. I shocked up for this one and got a serious pump. I know the incline volume will hurt for the next few days, but I want larger upper pecs and pec-delt tie ins. I did partial range OHP with the mini bands choked around the bottom of the squat rack. I just wanted to blast the triceps overhead and indirectly work the lats and abs for support. This was extremely difficult and I will be sure to mix these into my regular training.

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