Thursday, June 18, 2009

Log Press

Log Press:
70 x 5, 90 x 5, 120 x 5, 140 x 5, 160 x 3, 170 x 3, 190 x 3, 210 x 3, 160 x 12 x 2

Situps on tire with keg held behind head:
3 sets of 8

Sledge Hammer Rotations:
3 sets of 6 each arm

Kept this workout really short. It felt good. The 2 high rep sets on log felt difficult just because I have not developed my endurance. I see this as what I really need to work on as I prepare for the contest, but I am still 11 weeks out so there is plenty of time to get in great condition for it.


Chuck said...

What is the next contest?

King Cameltoe said...

looking to do railfest strongman in North Platte the third weekend in September.