Wednesday, May 9, 2007

ME Lower Body

10 x 45, 10 x 135, 5 x 225, 3 x 315, 1 x 365, 1 x 405, 1 x 425, 3 x 365, 3x 365, 4 x 365

Sumo speed pulls:
5 x 275, 5 x 275, 3 x 315, 3 x 315

Good Mornings (standing):
10 x 135, 10 x 135, 10 x 135

Side Bend Press Downs:
3 sets 15 x stack

Kneeling Pull Down Abs:
20 x 200, 20 x 220, 10 x 250

45 Degree Raise:
3 sets 10 x Bodyweight

This was another good workout. My back felt pretty good through all of it, and I managed not to fuck my wrist up because I finally learned how to cast my wrist wraps. It was nice to chalk up, feel the music, and get under the iron and give it a ride. This was my first regular squat workout in over 6 weeks since the last time I maxed so I decided not to push it with singles or reps because I didn't know how much I could take and I certainly didn't want the little crotch stain in the ATO softball T-shirt spotting me with upwards of 450 pounds on my back. It kind of sucked having to use a CREC belt and I won't have mine back until next week when I can get into my locker again. I never realized how accustomed I had become to my own belt until I had to use another. I imagine I will be really sore the next few days. My hamstrings practically locked up as I was walikng up the stairs on my way out, and not from dehydration mind you as I was able to drink 64 ounces of gatorade over the course of my workout. Also I found today that I must have been doing something right in my press workout yesterday as my lats and traps are extremely sore today. That is something that hasn't happened to me in quite some time.

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