Wednesday, May 30, 2007

ME Press

10 x 45, 5 x 135, 5 x 225, 3 x 275, 2 x 315, 1 x 345, 1 x 360 (failed), 5 x 315

Overhead Press:
explosive: 10 x 45, 5 x 135, 3 x 225, 3 x 245
strict: 3 sets 5 x 135

Continental Clean and Press:
3 sets 3 x 135

Squat Clean and Jerk:
3 sets 3 x 135

Shoulder Raises:
2 sets 10 x 20 (front and side)

Tricep Press downs:
2 sets 10 x 120; 3 sets 10 w/ mini band

Barbell Fallouts:
3 sets 10 x 135

Shoulder traction w/ mini band

Reverse Hyper (for traction):
3 sets 5 x 50 (swinging under head)

Hanging traction leg pulled

Today I was back in Bellevue for a dental appointment so I decided to go over to my old highschool with my brother and grace the Chieftain Strength House of Pain for a workout. It was fun going in there because it has been several months and they have some excellent equipment. There are seriously 20 racks you could squat in. Today was ME Press so I decided to put on a little show for the kids with some big benching. I think some fatfuck freshmen shit himself when he saw 315 fly off my chest. I was a little disappointed not making 360 because I had absolutely nailed 345 and I was able to rep out 315 pretty easily today. I was having a bit of a problem though because I left my wrist wraps in Lincoln and the pair they had was an old pair of Titan redlines with the thumbloops busted off and the velcro coming unglued so they were no use. And the benches were a lot softer than I am used to which made it difficult to dig my shoulders in. But in any case 345 flew up and 360 nailed me to the bench so I have to get my speed up. Fortunately my old weight lifting coach had some athletic tape in the office so I was able to tape up my wrist for the overhead press. I only did a few sets because doing them explosively puts my bicep in a bad position so I didn't do a lot and didn't go heavy. I did some static work so I wouldn't have to do a lot of tricep isolation. I decided to play around with some continentals and squat cleans too. These were fun and the continentals turned some heads. I was glad to get in some OHP because I don't want to get too slow while I rehab this bicep injury. I did fallouts for ab work because they did not have the right set up for most of the other ab stuff I like. But they must have worked well because I really feel it. I tried some tire flips after the workout and the 500 went up and over no problem, but reaching down for the 800 I learned my bicep is no where near ready. Hopefully this doesn't take more than 2 more weeks because I am losing out on a hell of a lot of back and bicep work right now.

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